Classes - What to Bring (Requirements List) - Start Dressmaking (7 week course)

First 2 weeks

You won't need to bring your sewing machine for the first 2 weeks of the course as we will be concentrating on patterns, alterations and cutting out.

Please bring:

  • Pen, pencil and notebook (there are lots of handouts emailed to you after each lesson but you may wish to write some notes as we go through the class.
  • Pins (Long fine ones are best for dressmaking)
  • Fabric scissors for cutting out 
  • Paper scissors
  • Small pair of scissors with sharp points
  • Tape measure
  • Length of string or ribbon long enough to go around your waist

    Week 3 Onwards

    • Pattern, Fabric and Notions for each project
    • Scraps left over from cutting out to make trial seams and for samples each week
    • Sewing Machine, Foot pedal and Power Lead (see our info on trasnporting your machine to class)
    • The Instruction Book
    • Bobbins loaded with the correct thread for your garments (must be the correct bobbins for your machine) plus spare bobbins
    • All the feet and accessories that came with the machine including the zipper foot and an overcast foot if you have one
    • Universal Sewing Machine needles Sizes 80 & 90
    • Unpicker
    • Machine sewing thread to match and to contrast
    • Fading/Iron off/Wash off Pen in a contrast colour to your chosen fabrics
    • Tailors Chalk or Chalk Wheel

    The Top and Skirt patterns are included in the course fee and will be supplied in the first week. We will all be making the same garments; a simple woven t-shirt and a pencil/A-Line/floaty skirt. (They may not be to your taste but there are versions of them that take minimal fabric and they are perfect to demonstrate every element of the course).


    If you already have fabric you would like to use please bring this on the 1st week to discuss it's suitability.  If not, the fabric and haberdashery required to make the garments are best purchased after the first class. 

    If you don’t have something on the list; don’t worry. We will discuss each item in the 1st week. You may then buy them from us (see the information about discounts available on purchases for the course) or get them in time for the next class. 

    All Machine Sewing Classes

    We do not provide sewing machines for classes as we believe that you will learn more from using your own machine. If your machine is too heavy to lift; let us know before the class and we can make exception by prior arrangement.

    We can help you to get your sewing machine from your car to the workshop space upstairs if you pull up outside the shop on the double yellow lines to drop it off. Then you can go and park in the car park behind.


    Lunch Breaks

    If your class goes over lunchtime you can either:

    • Bring your lunch with you
    • Pre-order your lunch from the lovely cafe opposite the shop (The Commute).

    Our classes generally only break for a maximum 30 minutes so there isn't really time to go out and buy lunch during the day.